18 August, 2020


This is a question that many organization leaders are asking themselves in this new normal we find ourselves in. At this time, many face situations where the operation continue with same, or even higher, expectation while our workforce is reduced due to budget constraints. With less human capital, how can we ensure our viability and value to our organizations?

For traditional minded leaders, this becomes a challenge when technology is not embraced and is seen as an expense and not as an investment. To adopt technology, it is crucial to understand that technology is meant to be an ally in the efficiency with which we perform our duties. Many case studies have been conducted where technology, such as automation, can reduce the decision-making process by days and ensure faster closing time and a more consistent, and reliable process.

When you think about how automation can help your organization, it is important to examine the tasks in which the process is always performed in the same way and have specific rules.  For example, think about the processes where an employee is receiving information from a document, entering the information in the same systems every day. In this case, the employee is limited by the amount of information that can be entered, simply due to their work schedule, or human fatigue.  With automation, and other technologies, these limitations become a thing of the past and production can be substantially increased and the employee can focus on other tasks that are required and generate value.

These automations are a game changer when deployed in bottleneck areas, but one thing that is generally highlighted amongst leaders is the savings these technologies can bring to their budgets. It is something that organization leaders are constantly asked to do… We need more production with less resources. These goals tend to create frustration and often unmet goals that can negatively affect your customers’ experience and your business.

What prevents you from implementing new technologies in your operation?


Melvin Rodriguez
Key Account Manager

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#automation#chatbots#machinelearning#artificialintelligence #customerexperience#universidades#universidad#aviation
